[Interactive Design] Exercise
04.04.2019 - 11.04.2019 (Week 1 - Week 2)
Zoe Wong Zen Yee (0336770)
Interactive Design
Lecture 1: Web Design and New Media
04.04.2019 (Week 1)
We started off with an introduction to the module by Mr. Shamsul. Some works done by seniors were shown to us as to have a better understanding of what we're going to do in this module. A free web hosting site was introduced to us.
Later, a lecture on how to determine whether the design of a website is good or not is given. Below is the lecture slides.
Lecture 2: UI vs UX
11.04.2019 (Week 2)
For this week's lecture, we learned about UI and UX, as well as their differences. Below attached is the lecture slide.
Web Evaluation (Week 1)
For this exercise, we were to divided into groups and to choose 6 good and bad websites from the websites given by Mr Shamsul. We also have to list out the reasoning of why we think that one website is good or bad. Below attached is the list done by my group.
Good Websites:
1. https://chouwenchung.org/
2. https://airnauts.com/
3. https://www.rotary.org/en
4. https://admission.princeton.edu/
5. https://territoryprojects.com/home
6. https://www.allthatgrows.in/
Bad Websites:
1. https://knoed.com/
2. https://moxy.studio/
3. https://www.jucophoto.com/
4. https://darbalara.com.au/contact/
5. https://www.sonymusic.co.uk/
6. https://www.webbyawards.com/
Paper Prototype (Week 2)
For this week's exercise, we were divided into groups and to create a paper prototype for a kiosk in Taylor's University for a certain scenario. The paper prototype will later be tested out by another group. The scenario for my group is that a student is to navigate her way to Maybank and later to Mekong Restaurant.
Below is the compilation of the photos of the paper prototype done by my group.
Below is the compilation of the photos of the paper prototype done by my group.
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Fig 1.0 Collage of paper prototypes done. |
Week 2
When creating the paper prototype, we have to understand who our user is and to understand the objective of the interface. It should include both graphical icons and texts as to let the user to navigate the kiosk easier. We should plan out the sequence of the interface beforehand in order to ensure that the process get to run smoothly.
Week 1I find this module quite interesting as it is something that is quite new to me, even though the technology is there since I'm born. When looking through the websites for the web evaluation exercise, I am actually surprised by the variety of websites there is out there.
Week 2
The exercise for this week was quite fun. But I was kind of upset as my group didn't get to discuss it thoroughly together, as most of them speaks Indonesian among themselves and I have a hard time understanding their discussion, which in a way, having the poor result in the end.
Week 1
I noticed that most websites have similar arrangement of their contents. Some websites are bad because they have too much elements which made users feel confused and overwhelmed by it. Other than that, I found out most website design nowadays are more towards the minimalist outreach, which is to be simple and clean, whilst not losing its aesthetic.
Week 2
I observed that other groups did well because they planned well before starting creating the paper prototype. Our group kind of lack communication as the other members just discuss among themselves.
Week 2
I observed that other groups did well because they planned well before starting creating the paper prototype. Our group kind of lack communication as the other members just discuss among themselves.
Week 1
I realized that certain keywords were used when describing the pros and cons of the website during the web evaluation exercise such as 'structured', and 'engage'. I also realized that what we learned in back in design principles class plays a big role in almost every module.
Week 2
I found out that it is not an easy task to create a paper prototype as it has to be well planned beforehand. Communication among group members plays a key role when handling group works.